I've been using Vista Ultimate as my primary OS now for nearly a year and, I have to say I'm having VERY FEW problems. Certainly not the horror stories you read all over the web and, really no more than I had with Windows XP Pro. It may have something to do with the machine I built to run Vista. (It gets a 5.4 on the Windows Experience Index) I get no system freezes, no " … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2008
150 miles per Galleon?!??!?
Oh Man, Oh Man, Oh Man!!!! My cousin forwarded this to me the other day. I just took a second and checked it out. Amazing!! If this thing is real, my gas troubles are over. With gas getting up to $3.00 per gallon here in TN I would spend the extra $$$$$ to get that kind of mileage. Check this out: You can read more on the company at their website. … [Read more...]
Wow!! Long time now type!
Sorry for the utter lack of posts! The holidays were extremely busy! I hope that Santa was good to all... No Coal in the stockings? Well, here is my yearly reminder. If you are still doing it manually.... Don't forget to update the copyrights on your website(s). If you are still doing it manually.. Then QUIT IT!! Save yourself some work.. I know, it's not hard.. Only once a year.. But why think about it. Check out my entry from last year on a Javascript AND Coldfusion method of keeping … [Read more...]