This is more of a quick reminder for myself. Hopefully someone else will find it useful as well... If you have multiple instances of ColdFusion running on a server and one of those starts to runaway with the processor you just need to kill it and move on, right? But, what if you what to know which instance it was? If you don't have something like FusionReactor watching your CF Instances then a quick way to determine which instance is the trouble maker is to see the config file being used … [Read more...]
BlogCFC and Windows Live Writer
This is just a little test... I'm trying the Windows Live Writer with blogCFC. If you can read this then it may be a success. We'll see. Let's make this a full fledged test and use an image as well.. The picture to the left is the new, soon to be released Blackberry Bold. It's the thing to have... forget that stupid iPhone, get something that's works and is reliable! Ok now, let's see if the text formatting works. Bold, italics, strike-through, Underline Bullet one Bullet … [Read more...]
Time to learn CFCs once and for all!
I've been putting this off for a while. I'm not sure why, maybe it was just laziness. Anyway, I feel it's time to buckle down and finally learn to create and use CFCs correctly... You know, to unleash the power, so to speak. Ok, I know now you are thinking I'm talking about chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) but I'm not. What I actually am trying to get a firm grasp on are ColdFusion Components (CFCs). What are these, you ask? From the Coldfusion Live Docs A ColdFusion component (CFC) is a file … [Read more...]
Upload Files with Coldfusion.. It’s Simple!!
This is simple... simple I say!!! Uploading files to your website using Coldfusion is actually a Simple process... There is nothing really secret or sinister about this so.. here we go: … [Read more...]
Coldfusion Countdown
Ok. Couldn't end the week being totally worthless.. Here is a nice simple way to "Count-down" from now to a specific date using coldfusion. #DateDiff("d", Now(), CreateDate(2007,2,25))# days til my Birth day. The "d" means days, "Now()" means get the date right now. The "CreateDate" takes the information inside the "()" and makes it a date using the format year/month/day. To output just enclose it inside "# #" and between a cfoutput tag. Add the appropriate text... like my … [Read more...]