Interesting Math adventure. Today, while having lunch with my parents at Litton's, Barry Litton (the owner) posed a scenario that I had a hard time wrapping my head around. It was this: Barry: If a man came to your home and said, "I'd like to work in your yard everyday for the next 31 days. All I ask for is you pay me 1 cent the first day then double it every day after for the next 31 days." How much do you think you would end up paying? Me: No idea... I can't do that much math … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2010
Create a Shortcut to open in your Alternate Browser
Here's a quick and simple "How To" for you. I had this question posed by a client the other day and it made me think. This Client is a fan of FireFox. It is his default browser and tries his best to NEVER use Internet Explorer. But, as is the case with most things, the more you try to keep from using something that's right when you find out you have to. This was the case here. He had a vendor's website that would only work in IE AND he needed to use this website alot so, he had a … [Read more...]