I don’t know about you but, sometimes on the web (twitter especially) the humor or sarcasm meant in a statement can be lost. So, I always try to add a little smiley so people know I’m not such a big jerk. On a similar front, WordPress will convert text smileys into their graphic equivalent . The problem is, I can’t ever remember what the “Proper” text for the smiley is supposed to be.
I did a little searching (via Bing, BTW) and came across this list of smileys that will work with WordPress. And since they will work with WordPress, they must be good to use other places, right? 😉
Well, here is a sampling of the text smileys and their graphic partners below. If these still don’t work for you in WordPress I would suggest checking out the WordPress Codex on Smileys for help.
Smiley images and the text used to produce them*:
* In some instances, multiple text options are available to display the same smiley.
© 2009, Robert Owen. All rights reserved.